American Disposal Systems

Garbage collection service in Frederick, Maryland

American Disposal Systems

2.4/5 ratings based on 34 user reviews

Phone: (301) 695-0080
Address: 26 Franklin St, Frederick, MD 21701
Category: Garbage collection service in Frederick, Maryland

American Disposal Systems, frederick, md. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of American Disposal Systems

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about American Disposal Systems - Garbage collection service in Frederick, Maryland. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in frederick, md by our users.

American Disposal Systems reviews

Our entire Burke Centre community has been put on notice that ADS is dealing with a labor shortage for the past few months. We put our trash out for collection twice a week under our current contract and service level agreement with ADS …More

Paul Rowson


Paul Rowson

Most unreliable trash service ever. Paid a full year in advance, I didnt mind since they were the cheapest. Had to call 20+ times when they did not pick up trash/recycling. Customer service over phone is good, they comped me for the missed weeks which was the right thing to do.

Tim Owen


Tim Owen

Been with this company for a couple years now. Recent service has been terrible. Used to pick up at around 6 am on Thursday morning, so cans went out at night. Then driver started coming at 3 AM waking up neighborhood. He was replaced with …More

Robert Maynard


Robert Maynard

I cannot say enough about the professionalism, responsiveness and helpfulness of ADS disposal systems. They ate courteous and will help whenever possible! Their price is super competitive and I highly recommend them!!

Dianne Wrobel


Dianne Wrobel

This has to be one of the worst trash companies around. I have been with them for about a year now and at least once a month they miss my trash pick up. And when I call about it they say well the driver is across town already you will just …More

Steve saia


Steve saia

Long term customer. I find the customer service wonderful. Any problem at all they make it right. They even mailed out a sticker to better identify the container since it resembles the recycle color. Busy company so our schedule is late …More

Bonnie Pollack


Bonnie Pollack

We moved into our house in March and this service was recommended from a family member. The family member had nothing but glowing reviews about ADS so we decided to use them. However, our experience has not been the same. We have had to …More

Lauren Dunnigan


Lauren Dunnigan

American Disposal Systems working hours


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