ATS Junk And Dump

Debris removal service in Bossier City, Louisiana

ATS Junk And Dump

5.0/5 ratings based on 10 user reviews

Phone: (318) 521-4187
Address: 1989 Valdemar Pl, Bossier City, LA 71112
Category: Debris removal service in Bossier City, Louisiana

ATS Junk And Dump, bossier city, la. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of ATS Junk And Dump

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about ATS Junk And Dump - Debris removal service in Bossier City, Louisiana. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in bossier city, la by our users.

ATS Junk And Dump reviews

Best In Town!!!

Rocqual Johnson


Rocqual Johnson

I’ve used Bruce four or five times. On time. Excellent rates. Dependable. Organized.

Thomas Cupp


Thomas Cupp

I have hired ATS Junk and Dump several times to clean out houses. They get the job done quickly, ask questions, and at great/fair prices! Highly Recommend (Broker/Owner Spartan Realty)

Sherry Stapf-Tolisano


Sherry Stapf-Tolisano

Amazing company! They came out in less than 24 hours to remove a large amount of debris from my property. They did a phenomenal job! Thanks Bruce, you and your team are Awesome!!

Nicole Spears


Nicole Spears

They came to help remove furniture from my old apartment…fast, reliable and didn’t cost much at all. Thanks Bruce!

DQ Thomas


DQ Thomas

Great work! Fantastic pricing! Very Affordable! I had been dealing with a hot mess for awhile. I am so grateful to have found ATS. Quick appointment and flexible hours. I will use again! Thank you!




Great communication, fast service, reasonable pricing. I contacted ATS junk and dump to cut my property that had been over grown due to me living out of state. I got a quick reply and the quote the following day. An within 3 days the …More

Taylor Sweatt


Taylor Sweatt
Dumpster Rentalsz