Boise Transfer Station

Waste management service in Ada County, Idaho

Boise Transfer Station

4.0/5 ratings based on 21 user reviews

Phone: (208) 362-7564
Address: 4485 S Curtis Rd, Boise, ID 83705
Category: Waste management service in Ada County, Idaho

"Republic Services owns and operates two solid waste transfer stations - one in south Boise and one in Meridian. These facilities accept the very same items the Ada County Landfill does, with the exception of any material that might be considered hazardous waste. These facilities are hard-surfaced, freeway-close landfill alternatives for residents wanting to dispose of trash and other unwanted items."

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about Boise Transfer Station - Waste management service in Ada County, Idaho. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in boise, id by our users.

Boise Transfer Station reviews

Unloaded my cardboard for recycling for free

David Bird


David Bird

They get you in, to get it dumped.

Sam Wilson


Sam Wilson

Great service.

Charles Fox


Charles Fox

Staff is always friendly. Never had to wait to long. Yard waste has never complained and/or returned????!

Nick Clawson


Nick Clawson

Pay with your credit card then wait for them to call you into the building to dump

Sean Adamcik


Sean Adamcik

Great spot to dump waste if you’d prefer to avoid driving up to the dump in the foothills - staff is awesome. Services: Waste recycling, Trash removal & disposal, Appliance removal & disposal, Mattress removal & disposal

Isaac Shaw


Isaac Shaw

If you are like me, and never been to a transfer station, and are wondering how this all works, then read on: …More

Joshua Olds


Joshua Olds

Boise Transfer Station working hours


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