Piney Woods Sanitation

Garbage collection service in Huntington, Texas

Piney Woods Sanitation

Phone: (936) 969-2291
Address: 517 US-69, Huntington, TX 75949
Category: Garbage collection service in Huntington, Texas

Piney Woods Sanitation, lufkin, tx. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Piney Woods Sanitation

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about Piney Woods Sanitation - Garbage collection service in Huntington, Texas. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in lufkin, tx by our users.

Piney Woods Sanitation reviews

Karen Sylestine


Karen Sylestine

You can leave multiple messages about service disruption w no responce, even after a week you will get no responce.

Google User


Google User

They had the wrong information on my account. After figuring it out ,they still refused to admit they were wrong. Came for the can and left the trash that was in it laying in the ditch. Very rude ladys at office. Was hung up on multiple …More

Cold Blood T.v


Cold Blood T.v

We have had Pineywoods for over a year. Never had a complaint. In October 2022 we downgraded to a trash can service but quickly realized that wasn’t enough for what we needed. In January 2023 we ordered a small dumpster and still have not …More

Amanda Cleveland


Amanda Cleveland

never came to pick up trash. called after 1st day and they said theyd come tomorrow. they never came at all. called 2nd day and they lied and said he came the day before & wanted to charge me for it. had to dispute total charges with my card issuer & got a total refund that way.



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