Republic Services

Garbage collection service in Goulding, Florida

Republic Services

3.0/5 ratings based on 20 user reviews

Phone: (800) 774-7425
Address: 2910 N Palafox St, Pensacola, FL 32501
Category: Garbage collection service in Goulding, Florida

"When it comes to handling your waste needs, we know how important dependable pickup and disposal are to you. We work to exceed your expectations with quality containers, safe and reliable pickup, and outstanding customer service. Let us help make your life easier and our planet better. Contact us today to learn more about waste and recycling services for your home, business and community."

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about Republic Services - Garbage collection service in Goulding, Florida. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in pensacola, fl by our users.

Republic Services reviews

Our account rep is always so helpful and responsive! Service: Trash removal & disposal

Micheal Hill


Micheal Hill

To the driver of truck 033 crossing the Pensacola bridge, Saturday Mar 14 @ 0840, you sir are an inconsiderate and aggressive driver. There was absolutely no reason for you to speed up in the lane that was ending (going 50+ in the 35mph work zone) to cut me off as the barrels closed your lane. You drive like trash. Fitting I guess.

Culinary Productions Inc


Culinary Productions Inc

Been a customer for years and always a positive experience. The team has always been quick with a response and very helpful with questions or anything extra we may need. …More

Mike Rogers


Mike Rogers

Please, do yourself a favor, don’t order anything from these people. They will make you sign a contract that has moving fees, pick-up fees, delivery fees and after they give you terrible service you cannot get rid of them. Their customer …More

Laurie Ayer


Laurie Ayer

Business dumpster, monthly rental, Gateway Lighting I have never had any issues with this company. Our account Rep Don Ruth is always available to answer any of my questions or to schedule additional pick ups if we need it.

Lee E. Joyce


Lee E. Joyce

Account was activated against my will after route was acquired by Republic. I had moved and despite calling multiple times to address this issue I continue to receive calls warning of collections being involved.




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