Republic Services Albany – Lebanon Sanitation

Garbage collection service in Albany, Oregon

Republic Services Albany – Lebanon Sanitation

1.7/5 ratings based on 39 user reviews

Phone: (541) 928-2551
Address: 1439 Industrial Way SW, Albany, OR 97321
Category: Garbage collection service in Albany, Oregon

Republic Services Albany - Lebanon Sanitation, albany, or. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Republic Services Albany - Lebanon Sanitation

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about Republic Services Albany – Lebanon Sanitation - Garbage collection service in Albany, Oregon. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in albany, or by our users.

Republic Services Albany – Lebanon Sanitation reviews

The driver gets out dumps the glass then walks around a throws the empty container from the middle of the road. It doesn’t even make it back on the yard. He sees this but just walks back around and gets in and drives off leaving a hazard in the street.

Jeff King


Jeff King

Worst, worst, worst. No communication with the public that they are, and have closed the Lebanon transfer station. Prices were ridiculous to begin with, but where do you take trash now??? Half the time when they do pick up my curbside …More

Adam mustoe


Adam mustoe

Very poor customer service and poor service in general. They forgot to tell us about a charge for removing an item, then proceeded to send it to collections before getting ahold of us. Now they want the payment to restore our service 5 …More

Cody Roscoe


Cody Roscoe

As I’m writing this, I still haven’t received my trash bins in about a month they say they’ve escalated our problem to the highest measure but yet it seems like they still don’t care. I have trash piled up in my garage and nowhere to put it!!

Jakob Morales


Jakob Morales

Fantastic service. My boy forgot to bring the cans down so I put them on the street and gave republic services a call. They sung back to pick them up today ( they next day ) at no extra cost. Before republic services could get the cans my …More

Blake Morse


Blake Morse

Republic Services Albany – Lebanon Sanitation working hours

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