Royal Waste Services

Waste management service in Queens, New York

Royal Waste Services

3.8/5 ratings based on 139 user reviews

Phone: (718) 526-2623
Address: 18740 Hollis Ave, Queens, NY 11423
Category: Waste management service in Queens, New York

"Royal Waste Services provides sustainable waste reduction strategies and co-mingled, single stream recycling programs. Our dedicated staff is always available to meet your needs—collecting, hauling and recycling on a schedule that’s both convenient and economical for your specific business. The Royal Waste Green Team of eco-consultants works with commercial businesses throughout New York City—including Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens—to significantly improve operations, meet regulatory requirements, and increase diversion rates."

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about Royal Waste Services - Waste management service in Queens, New York. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in new rochelle, ny by our users.

Royal Waste Services reviews

I want to thank the manager name ALDO PEREIRA because when he see my review he come to the store meet me and now the pick up service is really really better than before.

Eliot Ave


Eliot Ave

Royal Waste Services offered excellent response time to our request for dumpster rental. They are available to support their customers all the time, and the customer service is top notch! I highly recommend Royal Waste Services! Service: Dumpster rental

Maryellen hedgecock


Maryellen hedgecock

No regrets when working with Royal. Gotta hand it to them on how they run their business. People like Jesus are always on top of everything to make sure my needs are met. I would definitely recommend them out!

Robert Dorsky


Robert Dorsky

First I thought it was just me not being patience enough with this company but after reading their reviews, I realized I am not the only one, how is it I am paying for a company services to pick up my trash and recycling, and they don’t do …More

Simone luke


Simone luke

Today, 4/29/22 at 9 pm. The collectors picked up the dumpster by my house. They usually hook the dumpster back to the side so it won’t slide down onto the street. As they were leaving the premises, I ran to asked politely if they could put …More

Richard De Mayo


Richard De Mayo

Can ya be more consistent of collecting the trashes? It is freaking annoying that I have to complain to be serviced. How many times has been happened this year.

Dd5 max


Dd5 max

Royal Waste Services working hours


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