Waste Management (Now WM) – Mobile County Hauling

Garbage collection service in Mobile County, Alabama

Waste Management (Now WM) – Mobile County Hauling

5.0/5 ratings based on 160 user reviews

Phone: (251) 443-8555
Address: 6225 Rangeline Rd, Theodore, AL 36582
Category: Garbage collection service in Mobile County, Alabama

Waste Management (Now WM) - Mobile County Hauling, mobile, al. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Waste Management (Now WM) - Mobile County Hauling

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about Waste Management (Now WM) – Mobile County Hauling - Garbage collection service in Mobile County, Alabama. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in mobile, al by our users.

Waste Management (Now WM) – Mobile County Hauling reviews

Started new service and they delivered a can that was green (regular trash) with a blue (recyclable) lid. Trash can was full of MAGGOTS AND FISHING LINE WITH RUSTY HOOKS. …More

Shawn Terry


Shawn Terry

They never pick up on time. I have garbage that has been sitting on the street for over a week and it’s still not picked up. Called them numerous times and all they do is apologize and say it will be picked up the following day....still nothing. I am definitely switching to another garbage service.

Melissa Love


Melissa Love

All I want is for someone to come pick up the Advanced Disposal trashcans left behind by the previous owner of this house. AD keeps telling me they do not service this area but they must b/c there are AD trashcans in my backyard. On the …More

Rachel Lapointe


Rachel Lapointe

Very disappointing, since my original garbage collection service sold out to yall I have had nothing but problems. Two weeks later and have only had two pick ups, when I was told I will be getting two per week. I have had to call this …More

Jason Lawrence


Jason Lawrence

After setting up service they got my address wrong twice and delivered the can after it had run (despite waiting a week for delivery). They told me my service day was Wednesday so I put it out the night before. I called Thursday and left a …More

Rachel spann


Rachel spann
Dumpster Rentalsz
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