GFL South Side Transfer Station

Garbage collection service in Fayetteville, Georgia

GFL South Side Transfer Station

1.4/5 ratings based on 97 user reviews

Phone: (770) 719-1590
Address: 252 1st Manassas Mile, Fayetteville, GA 30215
Category: Garbage collection service in Fayetteville, Georgia

"GFL has taken measures to be one of the first diversified environmental companies to provide convenient local transfer stations for cities, counties, and remote communities. Each transfer station provides a local short-term disposal site, which allows the efficient transfer of waste collected by a short-haul garbage collector to a long-haul waste truck that will transport it to a landfill."

Check ratings, reviews, contact details and everything you need to know about GFL South Side Transfer Station - Garbage collection service in Fayetteville, Georgia. They are listed here as one of the dumpster rentals in fayetteville, ga by our users.

GFL South Side Transfer Station reviews

If I grade them I give them a minus 10 for complete failure. They failed to pick up my trash several times this year and when I canceled the service they continue to bill me like a criminal organization

Justin Wang


Justin Wang

I just started my service less than a year ago. I regret not reading the reviews before starting my service with GFL. My trash hasn’t been picked up for over 2 weeks and I am paying for weekly service. Their Customer Service is non …More

Shawna King


Shawna King

Terrible! In the months since GFL bought out and took over our former waste Industry’s service...we have had about the same number of missed pick ups as we’ve had pick ups. To speak with anyone you have to sit on hold for approximately an …More

Katherine Brownell


Katherine Brownell

We just moved to Fayetteville a month ago. We should have had our recycling picked up this past Thursday. It is now Saturday night. The entire neighborhood still has their recycling carts out waiting for the recycling to be picked up. I am …More

Lenzie mauzey


Lenzie mauzey

I canceled my service with them due to many missed trash pickups, and they continue to charge me. I have called to cancel, canceled in writing, and canceled with a rep over the phone. I was told I could not cancel my service because of …More

Malia Bizzell


Malia Bizzell

GFL South Side Transfer Station working hours


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